
Thank you for your interest in our website. In the following, we will inform you about our various cancellation, rescheduling, copyright and refund processes/policies. We also process personal data when using this website, to ultimately enhance your overall experience and for potential business opportunities. Personal data means all data that can be personally related to you (i.e., name, telephone number, email address and/or other analytics around user behavior).



Client understands that The AUX Conglomerate (The AUX) is the sole/exclusive holder and owner of the copyright of each shoot (photo/video captured) or project worked on, under the services provided per agreements between The AUX and the Client. The AUX shall retain all rights to the images and videos, including but not limited to, the right to copy, display, and/or publish any and all images and videos, for any reasons, including but not limited to marketing, advertising, print competitions, and for use on The AUX’s website, portfolio, blog, and social media platforms, including, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (unless mutually agreed otherwise–in writing). Copyright protection is established under United States Federal law and allows all violators to be punished to the full extent of the law.


Life happens sometimes. If it is absolutely necessary to reschedule your session, we require that you let us know as soon as possible. Nevertheless, a 72 hours in advance of your scheduled session to avoid potential cancellation / rescheduling fees is required. Exceptions to this policy will be considered on a case by case basis at The AUX’s discretion, while keeping in mind customer satisfaction as top priority. In all/any Client case for rescheduling scheduled appointments, all deposits are nonrefundable.


  • If The AUX needs to reschedule due to illness of anyone involved in the session, The AUX will do their best to notify the Client prior to the session or at least as soon as possible after the issue is identified. The nonrefundable retainer can be transferred to another day and time upon rescheduling the new session time and date.

  • If The AUX needs to reschedule the session due to any Acts of God provisions, also called “Force Majeure” clauses, relating to events outside human control, like flash floods, earthquakes, or other natural disasters, The AUX will work with the Client’s schedule to reschedule the session as soon as possible. The AUX will not be held liable or financially responsible for effects as a result of the aforementioned case.

  • If for any reason The AUX is unable to perform the services required for a Client's session that is not a direct result of “Force Majeure”, The AUX will work with the Client’s schedule to reschedule the session as soon as possible. If the Client chooses not to reschedule a session as a result of The AUX ‘s inability to provide the service, (not related to “Force Majeure”) on the contractual date confirmed, the client will be entitled to their deposit and anything that has been paid up until this point.

The Client 

  • If the Client needs to reschedule due to illness of anyone involved in the session, the Client will do his/her best to notify The AUX prior to the session or at least as soon as possible after the issue is identified. The nonrefundable retainer fee can be transferred to another day and time upon the rescheduling of a session, so long as the rescheduled session takes place within 2 months (60 calendar days) of the original session date. 

  • If for any reason the Client is unable to attend the scheduled session for the shoot that is not a direct result of “Force Majeure”, The AUX will attempt to with the Client’s schedule to reschedule the session. It is at The AUX ‘s sole discretion to choose to either reschedule or cancel a session as a result of Clients inability to provide themselves for the session. As mentioned above–for such cases–all deposits are nonrefundable! 


Cancellation of orders/sessions may be made initially by telephone contact, however, following this, The AUX will need formal notification in writing (via email). The client will then be invoiced for all work completed over and above the non-refundable deposit that will have been made at the time of first ordering. The balance of monies due must be paid within 7 days. Please note: any cancellation which is not formally confirmed in writing and received by The AUX within 14 days of such instruction being issued, will be liable for the full quoted cost of the project. If The AUX cannot perform this contract due to fire or other casualty, strike, acts of God, or other cause beyond the control of the parties, or due to illness or emergency, then the AUX shall return the full amount credit amount to the Client but shall have no further liability with respect to the contract. This limitation on liability shall also apply in the event that photographic materials or files are damaged in processing, lost through camera malfunction, lost in the mail, or otherwise lost or damaged without fault on the part of The AUX.

Additional Information

For all questions relating to the policies listed above (or custom requests beyond your agreement–i.e., editing, refund exceptions), please refer to the overview/agreement document provided by The AUX upon booking of your project. Or, feel free to reach out to us via email at PLUGINTO@THEAUX.NET and a member of our team will swiftly follow up to answer questions and/or help resolve your issue(s).